July 22, 1998

Resent July 26,1998 with additions

His Beatitude Petros

Patriarch of Alexandria


Brotherly Love in Christ precedes this query to my brother heirarchs in Orthodox Christianity. YIATI? Greek for WHY?


This treatise asks questions. Questions that must be addressed and answered for the well being of our One Holy Apostolic Orthodox Ecclesia.


Yiati? Why? When, has, and did the Patriarch of Alexandria decide to abandon "Black" immigrants from their African jurisdictions who were forced in slavery to reside in this Diaspora. Did the hierarchy believe the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America would minister to them? One needs only to visit our churches and see the glaring absence of any presence of the "Black Community". Today, with the decisions of the Holy Synod and Patriarch of Alexandria, they have reiterated their position.


How? Let me explain. Holy Canons No. 8 of the first Ecumenical Council in 325 AD, also the 12th Holy Canon Laws of the fourth Ecumenical Council, as well as the 34th of the Holy Apostles, clearly regulate bishops not duplicating or overlapping their jurisdictional provinces. In America, the new world, all jurisdictions overlap due to Ethnic Orthodox representation, as witnessed even are invited today by the S.C.O.B.A. organization. Greeks, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Russians, have their own hiearchal structured church. Some have even multiple autonomy, as witnessed by the Ukrainian Holy Orthodox Church, which has three individual jurisdictions in America. One in particular is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Blessings of Kiev, which was even declared autonomous by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople.

"Yiati"? Why has the Black Community been neglected of Orthodox Ministry? A minor token has been maintained and has emerged today and visible. Did all this emanate from the historical fact that most slaves were transported from their Western African homelands by force and brutality?


Ghana, Africa is one good example of Orthodoxy's lack of ministry by the Patriarchate of Alexandria, of all Africa. Ghana has no Bishop! All other areas of Africa have Bishops. One is reminded of the Ecclesiastical phase, "where the church is, so is the Bishop," and vice versa! Ghana has 4,000 students of Orthodoxy enrolled and represented by 36 Churches of Christ, and Protestant pastors who have begged, prayed to God, and their prayers were finally answered, by an Orthodox Educational Bible institution in America! St. Michael Academy of Eschatology of Florida, USA.


"Yaiti"? Why? Isn't it ironic - Ghana, West Africa, with a mere pittance of Orthodox Ministry, has an Orthodox Priest (Graduate of St. Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary in New York) Fr. Labi and a small church in Accra being the recipient of donations from American Orthodoxy, the only visible Bastion of Eastern Christian Orthodoxy. One would believe, the Patriarchate of Alexandria, its Holy Synod and Patriarch would cry out for help from America. The Alexandrian jurisdiction only cries "En Daxi", with order, in Greek. Did not Our Lord, certainly St. Mark, an original Apostle cry out the Holy Gospel in Africa. With no Bishop present in Ghana, St. Michael Orthodox Church, and it's sister seminary, has been ordained "En Daxi," by Our Lord Jesus Christ, to minister to the Ghanaians, in Africa. We have signed students sworn to conversion to our Holy Orthodox Faith, after being Catechized, enrolled in St. Michael Academy. Incidentally, St. Michael is under the Educational Jurisdiction of the Florida State Board of Colleges and Universities. It is "En Daxi," and most certainly blessed by Our Lord, to do this ministry to the Black communities in West Africa. As stated, NO canons have been violated, in regards to jurisdiction. Since, as been stated, no Bishopric is present.


God sent those 4,000 souls to be ministered into the One Only True Church! Are we to abandon them? Should we, under the canonical Bishopric established autonomous by the Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate, turn our efforts away from those poor crying souls because the now Partriarchate of Alexandria has disenfranchised St. Michael Academy of Florida. By breaking its past on-going working agreement established with Patriarch Nicholas and Parthenios III, and stated so on World Wide Internet, it has named St. Michael Academy of Florida as unsanctioned.

The present Patriarch, through His Chancellor Archemendrite Pantelimon, did this since no record of contracts were in the Alexandrian Archives.


"Yiati" Why? Your Beatitude do you allow this? You were apprised as an Archbishop, when in Cameroon, of our established Government of Ghana approved college in Ghana, by letter. This personal letter was sent to you and Fr. Labi of Accra, by written request to St. Michael to do so. We did - 8 years ago! Now, you do not want to sanction our missionary efforts to help 4,000 crying souls for truth! Jurisdictional problems? No souls! Pride? What have we in the Diaspora done at St. Michael Church/College to deserve your abandonment as spiritual children, under a canonical Bishop, recognized by your predecessors Patriarch Parthenios III and Nicholas?

As stated, we enjoy Autonomy now working under jurisdictionally, Metropolitan Nicholas of the Holy Ukrainian Autonomous Orthodox Church, Blessings of Kiev! Yet we yearn for the Holy Mother Church of Alexandria to bless our original emulation from them and our Bishopric established by Patriarch Nicholas IV, endorsed by Parthenios III.

Copies: His All Holiness, Bartholomew

Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople

Archbishop Spyridon

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Metropolitan Philip

Primate, Antiochian Orthodox Church North America


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